How to Build an Effective Real Estate Team
Get Your Time Back and Increase Results by Implementing These Strategies
Do you lead a team and feel like you are spending all of your time helping them, answering questions, or putting out fires?
Have you had thoughts of saying “forget the team...maybe I’ll just do it on my own and stay small?”
Do you feel like you are convincing your team why they should try harder and do you want their results more than they do?
Are you questioning whether you have the right people and if things are running efficiently?
It's time to learn the leadership lessons that changed my life and will help your team grow, increase results, create systems, and give you your time and life back with ease!
This mini-course will walk you through the following topics in less than 10 min each!
*You'll have access to the videos in your own membership portal, and they will be added to a private podcast feed for even easier access!
✔ Leadership is a SKILL, so how do you learn it?
✔ Business audit and figuring out exactly where you’re at and if you have the right people
✔ Mission, Vision, and Values and why this is the foundation of your business
✔ How to reset your team standards and create boundaries and expectations
✔ Create a Training and Resource library WITHOUT spending extra time and teaching the same thing over and over again
✔ Communicating with your team and how to create an effective communication schedule
✔ How to train your team without extra time spent
✔ The difference between saving people and rewarding talent
✔ Standards and Expectations, how to never fire anyone ever again!
✔ Thinking like a CEO, why numbers and profit and loss are important
✔ Setting boundaries with your schedule
✔ PDF Workbook with business audit, team meeting agendas, scripts to reset standards and expectations, and more!
✔ How to use Strengths based leadership
✔ How to set boundaries with your schedule
Questions: DM Melissa on IG (@melissamachat) or email